We prepare income tax returns and financial statements for:
- Individuals
- Sole Traders
- Companies
- Trusts
- Partnerships
We can also assist with:
- Income tax advice and planning
- Rental Profit & Loss
- Investment Property advice
- Investment Income
- Capital Gains Tax (CGT) advice
- Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) advice
- Goods and Services (GST) advice
- PAYG Payment Summary & Statement preparation
- Payroll tax
- Application of ABN, GST, IAS & PAYG
- ATO Audit Advice
Let’s face it – all individuals / businesses need to pay their fair share of income tax, but that levy should never be excessive.
Tax law, like any other law, is a set of boundaries being put together to establish order and prevent chaos in our society. Hence, businesses need this stable environment to trade and flourish.
Before every budget speech, studies would have been conducted thoroughly as to how businesses and individual taxpayers will be affected under a new tax regime, especially in areas of concessions and their eligibility. Amongst all the elements to be introduced or taken away in each tax year, you will always find a balance or equilibrium so that there is something for everyone including the government, the businesses and the individual taxpayers. As the users of these tax legislations, we, taxpayers, need to be wise and be familiar with these rules of the business game, so that we can play it safely, profitably and accordingly, to be in the game for the long haul.
When there is law, there is order. Without order, no business can even survive not to mention about excelling.
The question we should ask ourselves as a business person then should be:
“Am I paying the right amount of tax?” (instead of “why should I pay tax?”)
What are the benefits of paying tax?
What is in it for me?
Can any GOOD come out of paying Tax?
As a professional firm, familiar with the tax legislations, we have ANSWERS to all these questions.
If you would like to find out more about our services and get a quote please contact us now (07) 3869 1885